Klara and her two producers (Jonathan Bremer and Johannes Wamberg) have released Lullaby & Drum Machine (2020). An album with a handfuld of songs re-arranged and live-recorded in Copenhagen and Paris. 
 First part (face A) is a relaxing accoustic journey made of ballads and melancholic velvety melodies. The other part (face B) boasts a groovier vibe, upbeat, twist-worthy 60s French songs. Characterised by the use of a rare 1970s Roland TR 700 Rhythm drum machine and the legendary CR78. 
 The record is an invitation to travel into a few of the most iconic decades of the last century, an hommage to jazz, bossa nova, and French yé-yé. The album guest some of the best young Copenhagen based musicians Oilly Wallace, David Besiakov, Andreas Svendsen and Zier Romme.