Klara and her two producers (Jonathan Bremer and Johannes Wamberg) have released Lullaby & Drum Machine (2020). An album with a handfuld of songs re-arranged and live-recorded in Copenhagen and Paris.
First part (face A) is a relaxing accoustic journey made of ballads and melancholic velvety melodies. The other part (face B) boasts a groovier vibe, upbeat, twist-worthy 60s French songs. Characterised by the use of a rare 1970s Roland TR 700 Rhythm drum machine and the legendary CR78.
The record is an invitation to travel into a few of the most iconic decades of the last century, an hommage to jazz, bossa nova, and French yé-yé. The album guest some of the best young Copenhagen based musicians Oilly Wallace, David Besiakov, Andreas Svendsen and Zier Romme.
Klara and her two producers (Jonathan Bremer and Johannes Wamberg) have released Lullaby & Drum Machine (2020). An album with a handfuld of songs re-arranged and live-recorded in Copenhagen and Paris.
First part (face A) is a relaxing accoustic journey made of ballads and melancholic velvety melodies. The other part (face B) boasts a groovier vibe, upbeat, twist-worthy 60s French songs. Characterised by the use of a rare 1970s Roland TR 700 Rhythm drum machine and the legendary CR78.
The record is an invitation to travel into a few of the most iconic decades of the last century, an hommage to jazz, bossa nova, and French yé-yé. The album guest some of the best young Copenhagen based musicians Oilly Wallace, David Besiakov, Andreas Svendsen and Zier Romme.